Sono tanti gli affezionati estimatori del marchio che, quotidianamente,  scrivono sulla rete a proposito di  Alberto Fasciani e creano outfit con le sue calzature.

Con questo post vogliamo rendere omaggio ad alcune delle nostre più affezionate blogger.

Charlotte Wilder di the wilder thinghs

“I love the curved seam of the middle panel as it swoops back to meet the sole–it breaks up the shoe in such a way so that it doesn’t look too flat or too long, which can happen with an oxford. Instead, the proportions are spot on, and they make the foot look small, light, and agile (though to be honest, my mom has small feet, so she has an advantage over those of us who, for lack of a better term, have huge-ass feet)”.


Cindindy, New York, di

“Horse riding outfits have been fashion’s inspiration for as long as Hermes and Ralph Lauren existed.

An extremely polished look, the puffed up pants stuffed in flawless form fitting boots”.


Malin Richardson, Stoccolma, di Mogis

 Here is a picture of me wearing my new gorgeous leather boots from Alberto Fasciani .

I love them so much! I will show you the boots in an outfit tomorrow.

I have a friend who’s mom bought a pair of Alberto Fasciani boots 10 years ago and they still look brand new!

I love that about quality shoes, you can wear them with your heart and soul for years and it won’t show! 


Foto di copertina di Nina Kandelaki, Londra

“Love your shoes, almost 2 years from purchase and still stunning,  fabulous quality”.

agosto 2012